If you have a yacht that means you are a seafarer by passion and cannot ignore the catcalls made by the endless volumes stretched up to the horizon, storing beneath an ocean-full of mysteries. Looking at the sea for a long time makes you seek another voyage. You feel the urge to hoist the storm sails once again and set out for faraway co-ordinates, a virgin shore waiting for the first footstep. A true mariner always wants to spend the very special moments at sea. We know that many of you are planning for a new year boat party, all set to do the final countdown on board. Some of you may have a plan to spend a few days sailing long distance. National Sail Supply, the sails and sailing equipment supplier, wish everyone a happy and safe sailing experience this new year.
“Every new year is like a new voyage. You are filled with excitement, you have a map and direction but you never know whether a storm will bring a topsy-turvy moment for you. You should be ready for all odds and pick the proper stuff before you set out”, says Rolly Tasker, the principal sailmaker. He is making sails for more than fifty years and all over the world, more than ten thousand vessels are using Rolly Tasker sails. He has lofts in Australia, Thailand, Hong Kong and France. If you are looking for custom built sails, National Sail Supply is the place. They supply headsails, mainsails, spinnakers, Catalinas, ropes and all the other sailing equipment.
“We are too passionate people, the sea-goers. It does not matter whether you own a luxury yacht or a small boat, water won’t be sweet anyway and the storms will not spare us either. In fact, we, the mariners have a special chemistry with the storms. We are threatened as well as thrilled. We pray hard before sailing but if it strikes us, we feel volcanic from inside. We gather all of our energy and strive to ride the storm in style”, he went on, “how seasoned you are in seafaring is often measured in terms of how many times you have surfed through the gusty winds and managed to fight the phenomenon. We have seen even experienced seafarers fail sometimes. Technique and skill are definitely two important aspects but the type of sail used and the quality of equipment, both are vital. We especially recommend private yacht owners to pick the best quality sailing equipment within their budget.” Budget is definitely an issue for all of us and for any kind of purchase but when you are sailing, you cannot just compromise with the quality of the equipment. And, specially if you are getting ready for a special new year bash with your friends and family on your yacht, do make sure there is no loophole.
If you have a yacht that means you are a seafarer by passion and cannot ignore the catcalls made by the endless volumes stretched up to the horizon, storing beneath an oceanfull of mysteries. Looking at the sea for a long time makes you seek another voyage. You feel the urge to hoist the storm sails once again and set out for faraway co-ordinates, a virgin shore waiting for the first footstep.
You find it little exaggerated? Oh yes, it is. But if you are a true mariner you can understand from where this is coming from. We are too passionate people, the sea-goers. It does not matter whether you own a luxury yacht or a small boat, water won’t be sweet anyway and the storms will not spare us either. In fact, we, the mariners have a special chemistry with the storms. We are threatened as well as thrilled. We pray hard before sailing but if it strikes us, we feel volcanic from inside. We gather all of our energy and strive to ride the storm in style. How seasoned you are in seafaring is often measured in terms of how many times you have surfed through the gusty winds and managed to fight the phenomenon. We have seen even experienced seafarers fail sometimes. Technique and skill are definitely two important aspects but the type of sail used and the quality of equipment, both are vital. We specially recommend private yacht owners to pick the best quality sailing equipment within their budget. Many lofts nowadays keep ready-made sails apart from the custom built ones. Do check and choose the right kind of sails, if you are bound where mariners even never dared yet.
Many new seafarers feel confused while buying the spinnakers for their vessels. They often find difficulty in choosing the right kind. That is why we always recommend the new mariners and private cruisers to consult a good sailmaker. Buying from his loft will be a different experience altogether as these lofts are filled with people who have spent quality time at sea and can share a number of tips and advises.
If you are not a seasoned mariner but planning to spend a few days cruising with your private vessel or you are going to join a crew for some serious seafaring business, you should have a clear knowledge about all types of sails and if you feel like you are falling short, you can even approach a local sailmaker for some tutorials. Some people get confused with the codes designated to the spinnakers. Just remember the basic, running sails are even number sails and reaching sails are of odd number. Now, depending on the wind speed and angle the choice of sail will differ. Codes are designated to represent the sailing conditions. When the vessel moves forward along its course, it gets exposed to the changing wind conditions and spinnakers need to be chosen accordingly. When you are going downwind, you need a code 2A which is a medium air sail that surfs through 7knots or 8 knots. The code 2 sails cover 7 knots to 20 knots wind and sometimes is mentioned as ‘All purpose’ spinnaker. Code 4 is for winds more than 18 knots and if you are sailing offshore you must take code 6 that withstands very windy conditions. Now applying logic you can figure out that code 1 is meant for mild wind conditions. See, it is easy and will be easier with a loft experience.
Buying sails for your vessel is one of the most critical tasks and this is what you should do very carefully. Do not get too fascinated by brands. We are not at all against brands but the point we are trying to make is that sometimes custom built sails serve better. May be these sails are not coming from a big factory but from a local loft. That does not mean these customized sails will be of inferior quality.
Most of these lofts employ experienced craftsmen who have worked for big brands. Besides these lofts are owned by seasoned mariners. They can actually guide you if you are a new seafarer. Ready made sails sometimes do not match the exact requirements of the boat. If you are choosing custom, then the sailmaker will have the option to go see your boat and take the measurements so that the sails fit perfectly. They will also ask where you will be heading. Is it offshore or along the coast? Will you be catching up with the trade winds or traveling through the gusty weather conditions. This information is vital in deciding the type of sailcloth to be used and the type of headsails to choose. But the greatest perk of choosing a custom sail is that you can put an emblem or write a name, which will be visible from a long distance.
When you are off to shop to buy the Headsails for your vessel, you need to choose according to your sailing plan. Depending on your destination, requirements will change. If you are sailing offshore, the type of sails you need are different from those you will require while sailing along a coastline. The sail configuration changes from vessel to vessel also.
When your mainsail is big enough, you will need a heavy weather jib and a 120% roller-furling Headsail. With this new roller-furling technology, we have reduced the number of sails in use but it is good for coastal sailing. The moment you go offshore, you are exposed to changing wind conditions and single Headsail will not help you. For an offshore sailing boat, two Genoas can provide an adequate support-- one 135% that can be reefed around 95% and another 105% which reefs to 75%. But roller-furling has a side effect. Changing the sail set midway is difficult and so you need to make a sail setting plan depending on your sailing route. Large Headsails will be required if your sailing through the high pressure conditions. But if you are going to catch up with the trade winds, you need smaller ones. Rig configurations are not same for all the boats. Some sailors even modify them to accommodate two Headstays. It is in fact necessary to have two Headsails at least, if you are planning to sail offshore.
Sailing was one of the earliest modes of communication before trains, cars or planes came into existence. Now sailing is more for adventure and fun. People take up sailing to undergo the adventure and element of thrill it has to offer. People take up coaching classes to learn the art of sailing. The first step is to know about various types of sails that are being used in the sail boat.
Sailing which was one of the earliest mode of communication developed by mankind is now an adventure sports. The element of thrill comes from unpredictable direction and the speed of the wind in the sea. The sail boat is moved by trapping the power of the wind as energy source. Different types of sails are used depending upon the speed and direction of the wind and the course taken by the boat. All types of sails are custom designed for every boat individually for best fit. The customization of the sails depends upon type of boat in which they are to be used. Mainsail is the primary sail which acts as the main source of generating power to move the boat. It is triangular in shape and are fixed to the mast and attached with the boom. Headsails are secondary sails which are attached to the mast and the bowsprit on the bow of the boat. They are used to provide extra speed and turning power to the boat. Their curved shape makes them more aerodynamic than the Mainsail. Genoa and Jib are two types of Headsails used in the boat. Spinnakers are large balloon shaped sails that helps the boat in downwind sailing. They have symmetric and asymmetric shape. Strom sails are small sails which are designed to be used in stormy weather. They work perfectly in bad weather to control the boat against storm. All types of sails are custom made for easy handling and efficient performance in the sea.
Sailing is always about adventure and fun. Though, most of the people will vouch for the adrenaline rush experienced by them during sailing, many people look for just venturing out in the open sea to experience the serenity of the ocean. Being out in the open sea, away from the noise of the city life proves to be very helpful in giving rest to the mind and rejuvenate the soul. These occasional sailors can purchase sails online or can hire them on rent as well.
Spinnakers are designed to aid the boat in specific sailing experience depending upon the direction of the wind and the course to be taken by the boat. Spinnakers are large balloon shaped sails. They are available in bright colours and made up of very light material like nylon for easy handling. Spinnakers are best used when the boat is either running or reaching the course in the direction of the wind. They act like airfoils and generate drag and lift to move the boat forward. The spinnakers must have really taught edges and the material should stretch evenly with no bubble formation. Else, it will reduce the lift offered to the boat and hinders boat’s performance. The main types of spinnakers being used in the boat is symmetric and asymmetric spinnaker. The distinction offered relates to the symmetry offered by the plane of the spinnaker. Symmetrical spinnaker is used when boat is to be moved directly in the direction of the wind and known as running the course. Asymmetric spinnaker is used when the wind is coming from behind the boat and at an angle to the boat and known as reaching the course. The force in symmetric spinnaker is generated from its top portion and in case of asymmetric spinnaker the force is generated from the side. The spinnakers are designed keeping in mind the efficiency of the sails to boost boat’s performance.
Most of the sails are designed to improve the performance of the boat in all types of wind speed and weather condition. But, there is one sail which offers additional service, which is providing safety to the boat in adverse weather condition. Unfortunately, they are not given much importance and considered as extra burden and useless addition of cost.
The storm sails will be recommended by any seasoned sailor who has sailed in various weather conditions, from good to worse. Storm sails are designed for safety of the boat and its crew in stormy condition. It can be very easily distinguished from other types of sails due to their remarkable small size and its colour. Storm sails are designed in orange coloured material. Orange colour makes it easily visible and being spotted in bad storm. Since, their main motive is to face the harsh wind in the storm and keep the boat under control; much consideration is given for safety in their making. They are made from comparatively much stronger material than other sails. They are given extra stitching and the edges are usually fixed with thin steel rods to weather the force of the wind in storm. Storm sails offers less surface area to the wind and hence generate power just enough to move out of the strong waves. The Genoa on the other hand is made up of lighter material and may not resist the power of the wind. Its large area will create power which could not be supported by the boat and the chance of the boat to get heeled is very high. Storm sails are designed to function efficiently in situation where other sails will fail to perform. Therefore, the Storm sails must be the part of every sailing inventory.